What is MIDI really about ?
MUSIC. It's that simple. And that hard to engineer into a new instrument.
Technology should open up the creative process for more musicians.
If it be-comes an end in itself, it's only a barrier.
Korg technology works the way you do. It brings you closer to your music.
Isn't that the reason for any new instrument ?
In the photo:
DVP-1 DIGITAL VOICE PROCESSOR: Multiply single note lines at mixdown with polyphonic pitch shifting. Create lush backing vocal textures with vocal waveform digital synthesis. Plus digital vocoding for unparalleled accuracy. All programmable and MIDI controllable.
SDD-2000 MIDI PROGRAMMABLE SAMPLING DELAY: Generate automated effects mixes with 64 MIDI controllable programs. Plus 4 seconds of mono sampling with MIDI controlled playback.
EX-8000 EXPANDER MODULE: 16 DWGS digital waveform oscillators plus fast analog programming without an external keyboard. Built-in 64 program digital delay, Key Window for splits and zones, six-part envelope generators.
MIDI System Exclusive allows full access to program and parameter memory for Memory Expanders and Voice Editing software.
SQD-1 MIDI RECORDER: Controls your total MIDI recording/ performance system. Familiar tape recorder-style operation, 16 channels, Real or Step time record, 15,000 note Quick Disk storage, full Edit functions. MIDI, Tape and drum sync connections.
MEX-8000 MEMORY EXPANDER: Store 256 sounds for the DW-8000 and DW-6000, Poly 800 and Poly 800 Mk II. EX-8000. EX-800 and DVP-1 in 4 libraries.
Transparent MIDI Thru connection. 2 second data transfer. Plus Real time sequencing capability.
VOICE EDITING SOFTWARE: Edit program parameters in real time with graphic envelope, filter and waveform display.
Create, edit and display sequences in real or step time. Store and edit program and sequence libraries. Available for the Poly-800/EX-800, Poly-800 Mk 11 or DW-8000/EX-8000.
DW-8000 MASTER KEYBOARD: The widest range of velocity- and pressure-sensitive sounds. Send or receive all MIDI data including after touch. pitch bend. modulation, program select, damper and portamento. Variable MIDI Send and Receive channels.
POLY-800 MK II: More professional than ever with a streamlined look and new, more colorful sounds. Integral 64 program digital delay, 1000 note sequencer. programmable EQ.
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